Background to the Family Resource Centre Programme

Family relationships are universally acknowledged to have deep and enduring effects on the well-being of individuals and society (Strategic Framework for Family Support within the Family and Community Services Resource Centre Programme. Family Support Agency Revised Edition 2013) In that context, since 1994, the Irish State has established a network of Family Resource Centres under what is now known as the Family Resource Centre Programme. The Family Resource Centre Programme is Ireland’s largest national family and community-based support programme, core funded by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency.

There are now 121 Family Resource Centres (FRCs) located in communities across the country. FRCs are located within a community-based model of family support. This model is at the heart of the Programme. The centrality of community development in informing the approaches, values and methods underpinning the work of FRCs is a defining feature of their contribution. A further defining characteristic of FRCs is that they are managed by local voluntary management committees, which are critical in facilitating meaningful participation within communities and in ensuring local knowledge and accountability.

Athlone FRCs Vision, Mission, Values and Practice Principles


Our vision is that Family Life becomes enriched through the provision and implementation of a range of needs led Supports and Services within the local community.


Our mission is to create a community where people from Athlone town and the surrounding rural areas, can actively engage in all elements of family and community life, develop resilience, and manage life challenges effectively. We achieve this through a strategic partnership approach with community, voluntary and statutory partners committed to affecting change and challenging social injustice.


  • Equality and Human Rights

The work of Athlone Family Resource Centre is underpinned by a commitment to equality, human rights and the prevention of discrimination.

  • Social Inclusion

The work of Athlone Family Resource Centre is underpinned by a commitment to the realisation of the rights of all people to be included and to participate fully in society.

  • Collective Action

The work of Athlone Family Resource Centre is underpinned by a commitment to collective action with community, voluntary and statutory services for positive social change.

  • Participation

The work of the Athlone Family Resource Centre is underpinned by a commitment to the equal participation of all individuals within society.

Practice Principles

  • Transparency & Accountability

Athlone FRC will operate in a fully transparent way and be fully accountable to funders, stakeholders, and service users in line with good practice.

  • Collaboration

Athlone FRC will operate in collaboration and in partnership with its members and others.

  • Trauma Informed

Athlone FRC understands and considers the nature and effects of trauma and promotes environments of healing and recovery for individuals, families and community.

  • Reflective Practice

Athlone FRC will engage in a continuous cycle of self-observation and self-evaluation to refine our professional practice and services on an ongoing basis.